I’m your tour guide, Charmaine Illenberger.
Follow along and you’ll find your way to make shift happen without losing your shit.
As your tour guide I’ll help you come to life by facing your sh*t and turn it into fuel for your most liberating and empowering shiFts.
I’ve gone through my fair share of powerful breakthroughs— Holy ShiFts, as I like to call them— over the 44 years I’ve lived in this lifetime. I’ve seen myself through every single one of them and emerged with a deeper and more expansive sense of myself as a creator of my reality.
Here’s some shiFt I’ve grown through:
I first had sex at the age of 13 trying to belong after immigrating to the States from the Philippines.
Got pregnant, dropped out of college, got kicked out and became a mom at the age of 19.
Went back to school and graduated with my BSN at the age of 26 and became an ICU nurse at the age of 27.
Had another baby, almost died and bought our first home at the age of 29.
Found a gateway to healing and connection that helped me find my way back to myself when I felt I’d lost myself at the age of 36. (You can hear about it here.)
Quit my ICU job at the age of 40.
Sold our home and separated from my family at the age of 41 to live in the mountains.
Living my best life in deeper connection and appreciation of everything I’ve let go of.
Excited for all the twists and turns ahead!
The point of this share isn’t to air my dirty laundry. It’s to show that
Each of us have our own storyline of twists and turns. It’s up to us to find the treasure in each moment and make a masterpiece out of our own lives.
My story has thrown me for so many loops and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I deeply treasure who I’ve become- not in spite of, but in celebration of the shiFts I’ve face along the way.
Embracing the wholeness of my Humanity, has given me the key to embodying my Divinity.
As I’ve learned in my own “scenic” journey and in helping clients along their way, Holy ShiFts don’t always come as gifts wrapped in magic sparkles dropped into our lap.
The uncomfortable nudges to move through our Holy ShiFt invites us to evolve into a more expansive version of our deepest truths.
By facing my own Holy ShiFts I’ve learned to find magic in the most uncomfortable circumstances and messiest mistakes. It’s led me to embody my wholeness through facing my wounds.
The key has been to embrace the Divinity in my humanity.
All the shiFts I’ve grown through have made me sooooo passionate about helping others find their own way and come to life.
Read on to find out more how transforming through Holy ShiFts became my jam.
I’m not one of those people with cool stories about seeing energy, hearing spirits and angels, seeing the future and knowing my Divine purpose ever since I was a kid.
Instead, my story is filled with “real-life” challenges, far from what most people would consider as spiritual or magical. But each of these challenges became a Holy Shi(f)t that invited more expansive expressions of myself to emerge.
I’m an immigrant daughter of divorced parents raised by my single mom. Still unpacking baggage…
I became a young mom at the age of 19 and my kids have been my greatest teachers.
I’ve been in an evolving unconventional relationship with my partner and baby daddy of over 24 years. It’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs but WORTH IT! Currently experiencing the most liberating and supportive love I didn’t even know was possible.
I’ve been a nurse for over 15 years- 13 years in the ICU and 3 years in PACU. I’ve also been a patient myself when I massively hemorrhaged after giving birth to my daughter. I’ve gotten to know death intimately, which has inspired me to live each moment to the fullest and bring others to life.
My multi-dimensional gateway to unseen possibilities opened in 2014 with a psychic reading I was HIGHLY SKEPTICAL about. But all the clues it led me to powerfully shaped how I move and play in the world. Listen to my story HERE.
It’s through these real world struggles that I’ve learned to appreciate the magic in the mundane.
It’s through these powerful chapters that helped me shed my layers and live each moment with fresh eyes.
It’s what I’ve learned and unlearned that led me to a deeper experience of the Divine within and all around me.
It’s through losing myself and finding myself over and over that I can help others connect with the Divine within and find their own way through their journey in this world.
It’s through my lived experience of facing my own sh*t that I’m able to help others move through their own Holy Shi(f)ts.
I’m moved by the belief that each one of us is a unique expression and exploration of the Divine.
When we’re free from the burden and fog of our sh*t, connected and empowered by the truth of who we truly are, we light up and color the world in a way that no one else can.
With each one of us acting as an activated piece of the puzzle, our collective light gives us a better look at the bigger picture.
Holy shi(f)t!
tl;dr- My mission is to empower Sovereign playmates to co-create an abundant and colorful playground we can all thrive in.
Through sharing our most authentic selves and our creative gifts, we become a clear channel and vessel for Divine inspiration to move through us.
By living a Divinely inspired we truly love to live, we become Divine Agents of Change creating Holy Shi(f)ts within ourselves that colors the world.
As your Tour Guide, my job isn’t to tell you what to do or how to do it.
My role is to bridge you back to the Divine within by reminding you of YOUR wholeness, YOUR wisdom, YOUR abundance, YOUR love, YOUR truth, and YOUR power.
I hold space for you to find YOUR way and walk with you in Sovereignty.
Trust yourself to come to life and see where it takes you.
Curiosity activates my flow. It flow expresses itself through words and creative sensory expression. Deep meaningful conversations about death and rebirth get me going, but the flow trickles when it turns to small talk. My flow gets juicy when I get down and dirty and it gets flirty when things get nerdy. My flow finds comfort in anything soft, fluffy, warm and squishy- like my belly! My flow feels free in nature. It makes itself felt by creating playful and experiences. I’m an expert rester. I treasure my solitude AND crave connection.
How can we flow together?
infinite intelligence- By following my curiosity over the years, deciphering patterns, feeling out the meaning of the symbolism all around me and learning to listen to the quiet voice of my intuition, I've been able to connect with the field of infinite intelligence that’s available to ALL OF US. Working with multidimensional access points of information such as the Akashic Records, hypnosis to liberate our quantum mind and ultimately, the Divine within, I help reconnect others to their own infinite well of wisdom so they can find their own answers that are most relevant and meaningful to their lives.
nurse coaching- Bringing the mind, body and spirit into wholeness through the principles of nurse coaching empowers each client to step into their Sovereignty in their path of healing and self-actualization.
compassion- From years of being a parent, lover, nurse, and just a plain ol' human being, I've learned that there are deep levels of connection and love that can be unlocked simply by coming from a place of compassion.
non-judgment- From years of making peace with myself and the world I live in, I've discovered that stepping back from judgment allows so much more growth to unfold.
creativity- The Divine expresses itself through patterns that repeat itself through life’s different expressions. Playing with simple concepts to liberate our self expression helps us translate and understand the unknown. There’s so much opportunity for understanding if we see everything and everyone around us as a reflection and expression of the Divine.
humor- Laughter is the quickest and most powerful way to create connection and bring people to life. Finding the humor in a situation is a powerful gateway to bring the simplest solutions to light.
curiosity- My inner child's wonder has guided me to follow the "trail of breadcrumbs" that life has laid along my path. It's led me to magical, fascinating and just straight up fantastical experiences and discoveries that have opened up my world to infinite possibilities. I encourage my clients to let their curiosity lead them to the magic in the mundane.
nature- “As above, so below”. Everything we see around us is a reflection of who we are inside. Being out in nature allows us to remember and reconnect to the Divine within. It also provides helps us realize both our insignificance and irreplaceable place in the puzzle of of life. If nothing else, nature serves as a source of awe and wonder- essential aspects in living an inspired life.
Get a feel for the space I hold
“Charmaine is wonderful. She has an ability to make you feel comfortable even though you just met her! She is very knowledgeable, kind and I loved how she honored my own inner wisdom.”
— Nicole C.
“I can’t imagine myself doing my first hypnosis session with anyone else other than Charmaine.
She made me feel so safe and supported. Explained everything before hand. Helped me to eliminate any anxiety and held my hand virtually throughout the whole experience.
The experience overall helped me to strengthen my connection with my higher self and my understanding of the messages coming through for me.”
— Jessica Lynn
“Charmaine made me so comfortable and I deeply enjoyed every part of the process.
She made me feel like family, comfortable and open enough to open to some vulnerable places that needed my attention.
I am so grateful for the experience and the synchronicity and magic that has been flowing into my life since.
If you’re ready to open to deeper places inside of you, grow in your understanding of yourself, and get the answers you’ve been needing to hear, I highly recommend this deep experience with this soulful and sweet woman!.”